The Global Partnership for Security and Peace is an international global community of practise comprising a multitude of experts hailing from diverse organisations from across 5 different regions
Naturally, the onset of the pandemic presented some obstacles to consolidating the bases and continuing the work of the GPSP. However, these challenging circumstances allowed the GPSP to recognise the importance of civil society’s work across key security issues. Therefore, the community continued to maintain contact and link up capacities to harness their potential as a working group, subsequently producing 3 newsletters. Each of these newsletters assumed a different core focus and provided recommendations for policymakers around a set of issues framed within the context of COVID-19. During this same period, a meeting took place remotely in December 2020. There were a number of participants from 14 different countries and from various organisations including Think Tanks and NGOs. The meeting’s overarching goal consisted of strengthening the GPSP and reinforcing the working group dynamic. Other objectives included advancing current projects, exchanging ideas about new potential projects, and providing an opportunity for individual members to build working relationships.